Pelicans drop by for a visit. Wood Duck stays for the winter.
It's been a quite a while since the last blog entry. EWBC has seen many visitors, events, and birds since November. The 5th Grade Wetlands Program is still in full swing, and our Winter Texans are still pouring in to our center to get great looks at a variety of birds (average of 55 species seen every day). Our American White Pelicans did finally make an appearance at EWBC in mid-December, but did not stay for long. A large group came in to the North and South ponds throughout January, but did not stay for any longer than three or four days. Perhaps there are more places for these pelicans to looks for fish this year than in years past.
There are two birds that have stayed longer than expected. A beautiful drake Wood Duck that is listed as a "rare" winter visitor has been seen regularly since the last week in December. I really shouldn't say "regularly." This duck has made it a habit to appear for two or three days in a row, then not appear at all for another three days. Just when we think this duck has moved on from our site, it reappears for thirty minutes in the North Pond not to be seen again for another day or so. This duck has eluded many a birder! Frustrating as this little guy may be, we are VERY glad to have him stick around for so long.
The other bird who has decided to stay for a while on our grounds is a striking adult Audubon's Oriole. An Audubon's Oriole was first seen just east of the visitor's center in late December. This bird was seen over two days, but was not seen after that. Another sighting of an Audubon's Oriole did not occur until mid-January. This second bird has been seen almost every day for almost a month now. I won't venture to say that both sightings are of the same bird, but it may be a possibility.
But alas! winter is slowly coming to an end as evidenced by the appearance of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds coming to the hummingbird feeders around the center. We shall see what new birds are seen during this years spring migration.
Till then!
There are two birds that have stayed longer than expected. A beautiful drake Wood Duck that is listed as a "rare" winter visitor has been seen regularly since the last week in December. I really shouldn't say "regularly." This duck has made it a habit to appear for two or three days in a row, then not appear at all for another three days. Just when we think this duck has moved on from our site, it reappears for thirty minutes in the North Pond not to be seen again for another day or so. This duck has eluded many a birder! Frustrating as this little guy may be, we are VERY glad to have him stick around for so long.
The other bird who has decided to stay for a while on our grounds is a striking adult Audubon's Oriole. An Audubon's Oriole was first seen just east of the visitor's center in late December. This bird was seen over two days, but was not seen after that. Another sighting of an Audubon's Oriole did not occur until mid-January. This second bird has been seen almost every day for almost a month now. I won't venture to say that both sightings are of the same bird, but it may be a possibility.
But alas! winter is slowly coming to an end as evidenced by the appearance of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds coming to the hummingbird feeders around the center. We shall see what new birds are seen during this years spring migration.
Till then!